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Criticism of Capitalism prohibited!

Protest in Berlin against the ban of the Communist Union of Youth in the Czech Republic

On Saturday around 50 people gathered at the Berlin train station Friedrichstraße to protest against the ban of the Communist Union of Youth (KSM) of the Czech Republic. The rally was organized by DKP (German Communist Party), Communist Platform of the Left Party, Solid (Left Party Youth), SDAJ (DKP Youth), and the independent communist youth organization REVOLUTION.

In the week before rallies had taken place in Hamburg, Munich, Vienna and even Athens. Only in the Czech Republic itself were there no public protests, because the Communist Party decided to concentrate on elections rather than protesting against the ban of its own youth organization!

The weather was bad and the passers-by were mostly tourists, but – prepared for everything - the organizers of the protest had brought along umbrellas and fliers in two languages. This way the most common question ("What is the KSM?") could be answered thoroughly.

Some demonstrators held speeches, but others were silent: activists from REVOLUTION tied cloth bands around their mouths and held signs that said: "The Interior Ministry declares: Criticism of capitalism is prohibited". This was to show that the ban of the KSM was based on its programme, which calls for transferring the means of production into societal property. They are not accused of making bombs or kidnapping or even damaging property - this is political repression!

At the end of the rally the demonstrators marched to the Czech Embassy in Berlin. But by order of the police, the march had to go on the sidewalk - at least the "parade" with lots red flags and slogans like "Resistance cannot be banned!" was an unusual sight for shoppers on the high street!

All participants knew that this ban was not an isolated act of repression. It is an attack on democratic rights within the EU to minimize and break resistance against the increasing militarization and neoliberal reforms in Europe. The ruling classes are starting in the Czech Republic - in a country with weak leftist structures and strong anticommunist prejudices - but they certainly won't stop there. That's why it's important to organize protests internationally, in order to fight this ban politically.

As a chant made clear: "Down with the KSM ban! Otherwise democracy's in the can!" ("Weg mit dem KSM-Verbot! Sonst ist die Demokratie tot!")

//Wladek from Kreuzberg //this report in German //Pictures: bjk


Hands off the KSM! iRevo-Statement

RIO • Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation • www.revolution.de.com • info[ät]revolution.de.com • (c)opyleft   

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