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Anglo-American War Mongers and Profiteers Association

10 cents from every liter of gas go into our war chests – Thanks, Germany!

The war against Iraq costs over 75 billion dollars. That means 75 billion for us, the arms industry and the oil companies. A few hundred thousand people will die. But who cares? We get loads of cash! That's the American Way of Life™! That's capitalism!

After the war we'll finally have easy access to Iraq's oil fields. Far too long the profits from that oil were wasted on education or health care for the Iraqis. As soon as we have our military protectorate set up in Bagdad that money will go straight into our pockets! That's how we did it in Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. That's how we'll do it in Iraq!

That's why we paid for the electoral campaign of our good old buddy Dubya. He says to hell with France and Russia. He'll secure our Iraqi oil for us! Only he can convince the American people that this war has anything to do with self-defence or democracy!

As Gerhard announced that he was against our war, we were a bit worried. But fortunately he proved his loyalty to us: He allows our bombers to fly through German air space, he protects our air bases in the FRG from evil protesters, etc. Even if Germany doesn't play a big role in this war, hopefully it will be an important player in the next one. Our employee Joschka is already preparing the road: Europe has to arm itself!

For all this we humbly thank the people of Germany. Without you this war would be impossible.

Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney
President of the AAWMPA
Vice-President of the USA

Land of Opportunity (TM)

For freedom, democracy, and bombing Iraq!

proud sponsors
of the war:


Oil Co.


and many more!


Anglo-American War Mongers and Profiteers Association against the socialist youth movement REVOLUTION

REVOLUTION, that's a couple of morons, they are so stupid that they are actually opposed to our war. They think it's unjust to kill people for profit.

Profit? That's the meaning of life! How could we live without profit? But these REVOLUTION people go further: They want a society without war, hunger, and exploitation. They want a worldwide revolution that would smash capitalism!

That would mean we'd have to give up our limousines, private jets, and vacation homes with 23 bedrooms – that can't be allowed to happen!

These REVOLUTION people are everywhere: from London to Kiev, from Cleveland to Jakarta. And they do the stupidest shit! They hang anti-war banners from public buildings, they bring school students and workers to strikes, they mobilize the discontented filth of society to international summits against capitalism.

These wackos must be stopped at all costs!

We of the Anglo-American War Mongers and Profiteers Association condemn the youth group REVOLUTION. They must be persecuted, prohibited, and if possible also banished. Otherwise freedom, democracy, and our incredible wealth are in danger!

two examples of typical REVOLUTION rowdyness: young hooligans protest against our war in London (above) and punks deface a sight-seeing attraction in Berlin (above above)


If you would like to see for yourself what dangerous hooligans these REVOLUTION people are, check out their web site:


RIO • Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation • www.revolution.de.com • info[ät]revolution.de.com • (c)opyleft   

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