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Reports from Argentina |
Message of Solidarity
Posted: Jan. 10 2003, 17:40
In Berlin there were lots of activities to commemorate the first anniversary of the fall of De La Rua: video presentations, music, tango, parties, and a number of activists invaded the department store Kaufhof.REVOLUTION organized a solidarity campaign to support the workers in the occupied factories in Argentina. We went to a number of Argentina-related events (and also to an Anti-Nazi Rally that didn't have anything to do with Argentina) and handed out a small flyer describing the history of the Zanon occupation. We explained to people what was going on and then demanded they give us some money.
The response was inspiring for two reasons: firstly, about 90% of the people we talked to had never heard of Zanon and had never thought that factory workers could simply expel the owners and run everything themselves. Many young people were used to chanting "another world is possible" but had never seen an example of what that world might look like. Secondly, people were so enthusiastic about the occupations that they were willing to give up some of their hard-earned money to support them. In two days we collected over three hundred dollars!
While in Argentina I'll be delivering this money to the Zanon workers personally. REVOLUTION made a short statement for the workers of Zanon so as to express our solidarity in words as well as dollar bills. Here it is in English, Spanish, and German:
THE MESSAGE IN ENGLISH (translation by Dzhon)
Esteemed comrades,
Long live the revolution in Argentina!
The revolutionary days in December 2001 have inspired all revolutionaries, all class-conscious workers and all young people the world over. Your struggle is our strugge!
We would like to express our solidarity with you. Our special sympathy goes to the heroic actions of the piqueteros and the workers in the occupied businesses. Victory to the workers of Zanon, Brukman and all other occupied businesses!
We know that your struggle is of an examplary charachter. We know that your strugge is a part of the struggle for the socialist revolution in Argentina, throughout Latin America, and the world over.
We are pleased that our comrade Dzhon can be with you to deliver our solidarity personally. We heard of your struggle through comrades from the PTS and Zanon. We want to help spread word of this struggle to the workers and young people in Europe and especially in Germany.
To this end we send you greetings from REVOLUTION in Berlin and some money that we recently collected.
Long live the struggle of the workers of Zanon!
¡Viva la revolución!
Berlin, December 21, 2002
THE MESSAGE IN SPANISH (translated by Dzhon & Blanca)
Estimadas compañeras y compañeros,
¡Viva la revolución en Argentina!
Las jornadas revolucionarias de diciembre de 2001 han inspirado a todos los revolucionarios, a todos los trabajadores con conciencia de clase y a todos los jóvenes combativos del mundo entero. ¡La lucha de ustedes es nuestra lucha!
Les expresamos nuestra solidaridad. Manifestamos nuestra especial simpatía por las heroicas acciones de los piqueteros y de los trabajadores en las empresas ocupadas. ¡Victoria a los trabajadores de Zanon, Brukman y de todas las demás empresas ocupadas!
Sabemos que su lucha es ejemplar. Sabemos que su lucha forma parte de la lucha por la revolución socialista en Argentina, en toda Latinoamérica y en el mundo entero.
Nos alegramos de que nuestro camarada Dzhon pueda estar con ustedes para llevarles personalmente nuestra solidaridad. Hemos oído de su lucha a través de camaradas del PTS y de Zanon. Queremos ayudar para que esta lucha sea conocida entre los trabajadores y jóvenes en Europa y especialmente en Alemania.
Con esta finalidad les mandamos saludos de REVOLUTION de Berlín y algo de dinero que hemos recaudado hace poco.
¡Viva la lucha de los trabajadores de Zanon!
¡Viva la revolución!
Berlín, 21 de diciembre de 2002
Werte Genossinnen und Genossen,
es lebe die Revolution in Argentinien!
Die revolutionären Tage im Dezember 2001 habe alle Revolutionäre, alle klassenbewussten ArbeiterInnen und alle kämpferischen Jugendlichen auf der ganzen Welt inspiriert. Euer Kampf ist unser Kampf!
Wir drücken Euch unsere Solidarität aus. Unsere besondere Anteilnahme gilt den heroischen Aktionen der Piqueteros und der ArbeiterInnen in den besetzten Betrieben. Sieg den ArbeiterInnen von Zanon, Brukman und allen anderen besetzten Betrieben!
Wir wissen, dass Euer Kampf Vorbildcharakter hat. Wir wissen, dass Euer Kampf Teil des Kampfes für die sozialistische Revolution in Argentinien, in ganz Lateinamerika, ja auf der ganzen Welt ist.
Wir freuen uns, dass unser Genosse John bei Euch sein darf und Euch unsere Solidarität persönlich überbringen kann. Wir haben durch Genossen der PTS und Genossen von Zanon von Eurem Kampf gehört. Wir wollen mithelfen, diesen Kampf unter den ArbeiterInnen und Jugendlichen in Europa und insbesondere in Deutschland bekannt zu machen.
In diesem Sinn senden wir Euch die Grüße von REVOLUTION aus Berlin und etwas Geld, das wir vor kurzem gesammelt haben.
Hoch lebe der Kampf der Arbeiter von Zanon!
¡Viva la revolución!
Berlin, den 21.12.2002
– Dzhon Rid
twentysixj (at) yahoo.com
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